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类型:爱情  美国  1920 

主演:伊芙琳·普雷尔 Flo Clements 詹姆斯·D·鲁芬 Jack  




藩篱之内英文片名:《fanlizhinei》,发布于1920年,由奥斯卡·米绍执导,并且由编剧携幕后团队创作。集众多位伊芙琳·普雷尔,Flo Clements,詹姆斯·D·鲁芬,Jack Chenault,威廉·史密斯,Charles D. Lucas等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1920年在美国上映。

  Abandoned by her fiancé, an educated negro woman with a shocking past dedicates herself to helping a near bankrupt school for impoverished negro youths. Within Our Gates was created in response to The Birth of a Nation which depicted southern whites in need of the Ku Klux Klan to protect them from blood thirsty blacks. Micheaux shows the reality of Dixie racism in 1920, where a black man could be lynched for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.


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