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类型:欧美综艺  美国  2013 

主演:Eric Wertheim 

导演:Stuart Rose 


新世代武力英文片名:《xinshidaiwuli》,发布于2013年,由Stuart Rose执导,并且由编剧携幕后团队创作。集众多位Eric Wertheim等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2013年在美国上映。

  Future Firepower is a brand new series taking a look at new weapons being developed from high tech remote controlled weapons and devastating rapid firing machine guns, to next generation rocket launchers. Future Firepower gives an insight into each weapon and what catastrophic destruction it can cause through demonstrations with members of the military.  Episodes include…  Rogue State(流氓国家)  Super Powers(超级大国)  Asymmetric War(不对称战)


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