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类型:爱情  其它  2017 

主演:迪亚哥·卡萨多 Mauro Carvalho Rodrigo Bitt 

导演:Mauro Carvalho 



我们2017英文片名:《women2017》,发布于2017年,由Mauro Carvalho执导,并且由编剧携幕后团队创作。集众多位迪亚哥·卡萨多,Mauro Carvalho,Rodrigo Bittes,Leandro Menezes,Carmem Moretzsohn,Andreessa Lee等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2017年在其它上映。

  Diego had to leave his hometown in Brazil to attend a film school in California for 4 years. He also had to leave everything he had ever loved behind including Matheus, a handsome young man with whom he felt in love and shared passionate moments with. Ten years later, back in Brazil, he decides to make a film about their relationship. This biopic shows how passion can increase people's motivation in life, but also shows how making choices can be cruel for passion.


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