当前位置 首页 爱情片 《萤火虫之恋2013》


类型:爱情  美国  2013 

主演:Carolina Guerra Olga Segura 

导演:Ana Maria Hermida 



萤火虫之恋2013英文片名:《yinghuochongzhilian2013》,发布于2013年,由Ana Maria Hermida执导,并且由编剧携幕后团队创作。集众多位Carolina Guerra,Olga Segura等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2013年在美国上映。

  Followig the sudden death of her estranged brother, Lucia finds comfort through her brother's fiancée, Mariana. Though strangers at first, the two women slowly bond over their loss, sharing memories and stories of the man they both loved. Eventually they fall in love and Lucia finds herself at a crossroad. She must chose whether to return to her old life with her husband or embark on a new journey with her new found love.


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