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类型:爱情  匈牙利  2018 

主演:Marina Gera Sándor Csányi Laura Döb 

导演:Attila Szász 



永冬英文片名:《yongdong》,发布于2018年,由Attila Szász执导,并且由编剧携幕后团队创作。集众多位Marina Gera,Sándor Csányi,Laura Döbrösi等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2018年在匈牙利上映。

Christmas 1944. Soviet soldiers invade Hungary and drag every young woman with German origins away from a small village and transport them to a Soviet labor camp where they are forced to work in the coal mines under inhuman conditions. This is where Irén, one of the Hungarian women, meets Rajmund who decides to teach her how to survive. While she is determined to return home to her little daughter and family, history and fate have a different plan: Irén and Rajmund fall in love.


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